Friday, February 12, 2010

Is there any kind of pet I can buy that will terrify rodents from coming near the inside of the house?

I have a rodent problem INSIDE my walls and under my kitchen floor. I'm thinking of buying a pet anyway, and wondered if there are any specific types that will strongly deter rodents?Is there any kind of pet I can buy that will terrify rodents from coming near the inside of the house?
maybe try a ferret??Is there any kind of pet I can buy that will terrify rodents from coming near the inside of the house?
Don't choose a pet for its ability to mouse, call in the exterminators!

For deterring mice in the future, cats are good. We used to live in an old farmhouse with a cat who was a useless mouser. The stables outside were crawling with mice but we never had any in our house...we think the smell of cat kept them away.

You can also get sonic mouse scarers but these might affect your animals, and some humans can hear them too.
First off, don't use any rat or mice poison if you've been thinking about it, because they will die from it, but where will they go to die...inside your walls. Yuck! If you have used any, make sure it is all picked up and clean the areas afterwards before you introduce any dogs or cats.

If you get a cat, try to get one that was raised by a mother that hunted rodents. Better off, get two or more. With dogs, it is also good to get one that has had similar experience with rodents. Breed does not necessarily matter as long as the rodent experience is there. Make sure they are up to date on shots, just in case they get bit. Same for a snake.

Also, research what kind of rat you have then you can determine what would deter or get rid of them. If they are hanging about because of food you have to cut off the food supply. If it is for a place to live you need to find out where they go in and out at.

Good luck!
You could try a cat and let it prowl around and the rodent will get the scent of the cat.

You could also try a dog the scent will scare them away.

Also you could try a rodent freindly trap or alarm just like dogs and cats you can get a certain spray or alarm that will keep them at bay you usually find these in gardening shops.
A cat would be a good choice. If you get a cat you'll have to make sure its not a Rag doll because they don't have the instinct to defend themselves from other animals.(they just lie down.)

Cats have a natural instinct to hunt down and capture things like mice and rats,they are very curious little cuties and will try to find and/or kill anything that causes a scratching sound or noise. Cats are also very quiet hunters, and if they really like you they will bring the dead animal to you AS A GIFT.of course, you'll have to throw it away, but it makes clean-up easier

hope this helped!
You can have a cat. Avoid getting a hamster or something of that kind. Also set some traps. (In some states you need a hunting license so make sure to check on that). Also there are rat killers that you can buy at Home Depot. They are like green blocks and you can place them around the perimeter of your house. Hope I helped!
get a cat BUT call an exterminator out. If you call your local council they will be able to either send someone out or make a recommendation. Pets wont deter unless thy can get to them and unless your going to put your new pet under the floor boards it aint going to work.
Ferrets are vicious hunters. Cats, but you'll have to make sure you get a mouser. I had a cat who would not move from her spot for days until she caught the mouse. The other two are like ';oh, what's this?'; and ignore it. A dog like a terrier is a good choice but I don't have much experience in a dog hunting mice.
cats or a dog; terrier breeds that were made for rat hunting- jack russel terrier, rat terrier, dachsund, cairn terrier.
I would go with the ferret. Get a young one and they become amazing pets. I was so sad when mine passed on and would love to have another one.
buy a dog it doesn't really matter as long as it is not a toy breed you should most likely a big big big dog
Cats and dogs are the obvious answer here. The smell of them will put all but the bravest rodents off.
Either cats or something that is bred to hunt rodents, like a Jack Russell Terrier.
a dog they r soo kool
A snake will definitely keep them away. Of course it might keep some people away as well. (Like me for instance.) lol
A cat or a terrier, but they will probably just kill them
Cats, lots of cats.
idk, maybe a tiger?

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