Friday, February 5, 2010

How are rodents frozen to feed to snakes, frogs, etc.?

Is it painless for the rodents? How, exactly, is it done? Are there any laws concerning how it must be done, such as animal cruelty laws? Thank you and God blessHow are rodents frozen to feed to snakes, frogs, etc.?
This all depends, usually rodents are gassed by carbon dioxide if they are done professionally, this usually has not violent sideffects and the rodent falls asleep due to lack of oxygen and dies.

Again this sleep method is used on baby mice or 'pinky's', apart from they may be put in a box in a freezer and they slowly again fall into a sleep-like state, not feeling pain, and die.

There are more violent methods for killing rodents but far more humane than putting live rodents in a vivarium where it doesn't have the chance to escape... Simply snapping the larger rodents neck or 'necking' is easy, quick and painless.

As far as i am aware there are no live feeding laws which say you cannot feed live. However, causing the snake or rodent unneccesary pain or suffering would be an infringement of an Animal Wellbeing law and you would be prosecuted if caught.

Hope that was helpful :)How are rodents frozen to feed to snakes, frogs, etc.?
Uh, I worked in a pet store and they just put them in a bag and then into the freezer. Animal control never had a problem with it when they came to do inspections.

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