Friday, February 5, 2010

How do a lot of insects (other than flies, wasps) and rodents get inside a house?

Does living near/not far from bush land make any difference - Particulary with those vermin rodents?How do a lot of insects (other than flies, wasps) and rodents get inside a house?
Insects live in the soil, which your home is built on or over. They are always in search of food, this then brings them up %26amp; through any crevice or crack in %26amp; around your home. An example is the cockroach that can find %26amp; live off just one small crumb, for over 6 months. Also grocery bags, boxes of any type, soda pop cartons, in fact all paper products, can harbor any species of insects. It is also so very easy to bring them in on your clothing after you have been outside, or from hanging your clothes to dry on an outside line, as-well-as our pets bringing them in on their fur and feet.How do a lot of insects (other than flies, wasps) and rodents get inside a house?
Through gas lines and dryer vents through plumbing holes, cracks, through the attic or basement. They can squeeze under door if there is any daylight showing.

Your house isn't as closed up as well as you thought it would be. It doesn't take long for critters to find ways into your home, you need to start going around, looking at your windows/basement/doors for cracks or open holes and you need to fill them with either cement or spray foam that expands.

I'm in a country house and spray foam did the trick, lay out some bug traps and mouse/rat poison pellets, you'll know when the sign of things in your house are gone.
they find little cracks anywere to get in
Yes living near open land increases the likelihood of vermin but it has even more to do with how tight the house is. If you have lots of critters there are lots of holes for them to enter through. Our house was like that when we first bought it. We systematically caulked every crevice we could find. Our bedroom was so leaky the snow flew into the room during a storm! I crawled around and sealed all the walls at floor level and we sealed all the windows and ceilings around the woodwork as well since we had a bird come in a fly around several times. Apparently she had made her nest in the gutter and the babies has crawled into the ceiling where we had to cut a hole to get them out. So we also closed up the hole by the gutter outside. Just be vigilant inside and out looking for openings.We use mice cubes to catch the mice since it doesn't harm or kill them then we took them for a long ride out in the country and set em free. Check anyplace you see cobwebs. Spiders will come in where there is air getting in so close those up too.
I live with a creek behind my house and we get all kinds of pesky bugs and field mice around and sometimes in the house. The insects get in through any window, crack or crevise of your house. An open window with or without a screen will allow anything in especially knats. Regular spraying around your home each year especially at peek season when its normally bad will help almost eliminate the pesky creatures.
Sure does. I live in the country and all kinds of things have gotten in. I get field mice coming right up under my sink. Chewed right through floor as it was less thick under this part of house. I had to use a lid from a coffee can to tack over the hole to keep them out. Bugs can get carried in on your clothes, pets, or just sneak in when you open and close the door when you are going in or out.

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