Friday, February 5, 2010

How do you get rid of rodents?

We have discovered a clever little rat in the house. I bought rat traps, but this rat knows how to take the bait without getting snapped! My boyfriend jerry-rigged his own device - he propped up a cake dish cover on an empty pack of cigarrettes, attached to the ciggarette pack is a hook connected to his fishing pole. He placed a piece of cheese underneath the cake cover and is just patiently waiting for him to come out so we can catch him. We see the rat all the time and it seems that he is on to our cruel ploy to rid our home of him. Any suggestions?? We are trying to stay away from the poison because we are afraid of him dying in the walls and stinking up our apartment. Please Help!!

(There was no specific category for this question - hence the use of ';Other'; Home %26amp; Garden.)How do you get rid of rodents?
Get a pellet gun and put out some bait and gottcha

You know they don't stink with the poison too much...they dry up and wither away pretty quick.

The poison makes them bleed to death and they pretty much loose all their fluids before dyingHow do you get rid of rodents?
You must join them.
Don't go out and get a cat. I found out, just last night, they are undependable! One of my cats was laying on the bed with me and the other was on the floor, when a tiny field mouse ran out of my room!!!! EWE.They looked at me as to say,what was that? It didn't come out of a can, did it? I don't know how I'm going to get rid of my ';guest'; It's happy as a clam. It has food, water and lives in a house with 2 fat, lazy cats. Sorry I couldn't help and I hope you don't mind me peeking at your answers. I owe you one.
Try ex lax. The kind that looks like chocolate. Apparently, it gives the mouse diarreah and causes them to dehydrate.
Put peanut butter on the trap. This is a bait that can't be taken by the elusive rodent. Barring that, get a cat; or a dog. Rat terriers LOVE to kill rodents.
use peanut paste on the trap works everytime
put big posters of hillary clinton all over your house
put peanut butter on the rat trap. they stick to it. or just buy a cat!
You mention your boyfriends name is ';jerry';....... the device you describe he uses to catch the rodent seems like one TOM might use when he tries to catch ';Jerry';!

Oh ho!!!! Wait a min - Jerry - your boyfriend - little rat..... well..... this might be a bigger issue than you think ;-)
Get a Large cat
mint worked for me.get some and sprinkle it around.

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