Friday, February 5, 2010

What are the best types of rodents to have, and why?

I'm looking for a new pet after my two little hamsters died. I want to find ones that don't bite, love their owners, are cute, and have a reasonable price. In your answer please include pro's and con's. Thanks!What are the best types of rodents to have, and why?
Well it sounds like you don't want another hamster. Well if you have to hamsters i would suggest getting a syrian hamster. You can only have one, but they are so sweet. They don't bite often as long as you handle them regulary. They don't require much effort to take care of and they are really cute.

They have cons like any other animal though. HAmsters can start to smell if you don't clean there cage often, and have short lifespans.

If you really don't want a hamster than i suggest a rabbit. They aren't techniquely rodents they are really sweet. They can be kept in pairs. They rarly bite if you care for them properly froma young age and can live anywhere from 7-10 years. They can also easily be litter trained making clean up a breeze.

Cons: they need a lot of fresh veggies and fruits every day. They also need a lot of time out the cage and can poop a lot making quite a lot of time cleaning up after them.

I really hope this info helps you!!

Good luck!!What are the best types of rodents to have, and why?
Get a hamster! But make sure that it's a Syrian/Golden one, not a dwarf one. Dwarf hamsters are usually meaner, bite more often and are hard to hold. Syrians are larger, but more affectionate and don't bite (as long as they are played with at least once a day). It doesn't take much time for them to become loving. And most Syrians are cheap, around $7-$10. Hope this helps :)

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