Sunday, February 7, 2010

What are some ways to earn $ for pet rodents?

I am in 8th grade and need some money by September. I really want some pet rats. BADLY!! No chores around the house, no need for my parents to pay me for cleaning my own mess. Babysitting is kind of an option, what else is there? i am open to anything really, no stupid answers please. I want genuine information. If you have crap to say, say it some where else.

Thanks for all your answers.What are some ways to earn $ for pet rodents?
Since you are a sweet honest suburban kid in the height of vacationing season, consider pet sitting, you just pop in and feed/water, clean a litterbox, walk a dog, and most people gladly give you 20 bucks a day or 80 bucks for a week, and you can have 4 or 5 jobs a day to get too, start saving for that car next year! pets are easier than kids, and they listen better than kids, if you're afraid of dobies, rotties, sheps, don't take those jobs, stick to cats and fish. you can also wash cars, or clean ovens, people hate cleaning their ovens! you can help a lonely widow out with chores, or an old man who just isn't ';spry'; anymore clean out his garage, and best thing is, you dont have to declare taxes unless you are paid with checks and make over 700 dollars off of one account that way.What are some ways to earn $ for pet rodents?
Mowing lawns, o newspaper route if u do a weekly u can get plenty of money or a different kind of paper route, u could work at Mcdonalds or some other fast food place

A paper route is your best choice. It depends on what kind of paper route u want. U could get a lot of money on your first month. or second. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
ok so only buy the rats (Please get two, rats are very social animals!!!!) if you know that you will have enough money to take care of them, (vet bills are killers) some things i would suggest are:


*Mowing Laws

*Walking neighbors dogs

*Cleaning Houses

*Summer job

*Pet sitting for friends/family who are going on summer vacation

*mowing lawns/house upkeep for family/friends who are going on summer vacation

*Garage sale/pawn shop of all you old cd's and stuff

Also if you are going to get rats you need a pretty big cage- hamster cages are way to small if thats what you were thinking of putting them in. I would suggest looking at online cages, and checking you newspaper for ferret/chinchilla cages that are cheep, because cages can cost anywhere from $65-150.

When you get your rats please look at local animal shelters, they are the ones who take the best care of the rats, they sell them as pets NOT feeders. Pet Stores usually sell them as feeders and do not handle them and play with them every day and they do not check for all the illnesses, but if you must get them from a petstore, ask if you can hold it first before you buy it, watch what the rats recacion is when the pet store person puts his hand in the cage (being terrified/biting them is a sign on inproper care- probably feeders)

*Bedding- use carefresh or pine shavings (mix them together) bedding can cost a lot so be sure to have money for that

*Food- what i do is get a large bag of hamster food and dump it into a huge container, mix plain cherrios, plain ritz crackers and plain flavored honey bunches of oats in with it. This will save money like you wont beleive!

*cage accessories- i would highly suggest getting lots of toys and houses for you rats, it may cost a lot but its only a one time expense.

Maybe mowing lawns since it is summertime? Offering to take neighbor's dogs for a walk? These are often good ways for kids to make money. However, keep in mind that you will need an ongoing source of money to buy food and supplies and for vet care if your rats get sick.
Check with the newspaper giveaways and humane society places. You might be able to get free rats. All of mine were freebies and turned out to to be friendly and sweet.
I love rats. I had two but one of mine died this morning, so now I have Elija he is my boy japanese black hooded rat! To earn money in the summer I mow the yard and weed eat, good luck! Rats are gret pets!
My daughter is in 8th, she couldn't even work at the local library in our small town b/c of her age. Just put out signs for yardwork, dog walking, babysitting, house cleaning...look high and low for free rats but make sure the environment is clean where ever you get that rat from. just get one for now! my daughter had two and they used a litterbox but they needed surgeries for tumors! That cost me 100.00 for one surgery. One rat can have alot of entertainment by itself. One of ours was loose in the house for two months. The caged one was so sweet and tame, the wild one was nuts and ran fast! Her's were $3.00 each and ate ramen noodles and stuff we had at home...oatmeal uncooked, fruit, nuts, dry bread...check and call places that may have rats cheaper. then save money for a surgery because it's likely that a tumor will grow and it needs a vet for that!
garage sales. Always good.

go on

Look for your area. Sometimes people give away pets for free. You can also sell things on

Try this site also

where do you live, what area??

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