Friday, February 5, 2010

What dogs are good with small animals, such as rodents?

I don't want a dog thats going to kill my babies. My rats that is.

We're looking for a dog upto about 30 pounds. Thanks.

No prissy little fluffy dogs either. I need a rough-and-tumble dog...We have small kids so no sensitive dogs.What dogs are good with small animals, such as rodents?
I think a beagle might be a good one - but like any dog they'll need some training especially as a puppyWhat dogs are good with small animals, such as rodents?
NOT any of the terriers! That's for sure. You need a non-hunting type of dog. It would be hard to really pick out a breed that would leave rats alone.

The only ones I can think of are Boston Terriers (exception to the terrier group) and a King Charles Spaniel.

To Graham - a Jack Russel Terrier is the WORSE one to get - they were bred to kill rats - no way would I bring in a JRT and expect it to not kill the rat.
Any dog who is introduced properly and is taught not to eat will work, there is no magic breed..

PS, many smaller breeds were bred for ratting so your actually going to have a problem if you only want a small breed. For a rough-and-tumble dog I would say a lab or lab mix. Check out, many dogs have a history so you can see if they have lived with other animals, hint: if there not good with cats they probably wont be good with rats.
You Could Get A Boston Terrier, Dachshund, French Bulldog, Jack Russell Terrier, Shiba Inu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Or A Miniature Pinscher.
Well you do NOT want a terrier thats for sure. A good all around small dog that is good with kids is a Lhaso or a Bishon Frise.
I'm not sure there is a small breed of dogs that are good with rodents, most small breeds were bred to kill rodents...
meetup-cute not fat and great for kids

i think
I don't know about less than 30 pounds, but my golden retrievers have always been good to both my mice and rats.
Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Golden Retrievers
Its actually the opposite, smaller dogs aren't the best with young children, as their incrediable fragile and are often snappy, remember a small child could easily through a small dog on the patio and accidently kill it, or seriously injure it, Larger dogs are generally better with young children, as they aren't as sensitive, and they tolerate rough play better

Fact is I don't know any dog who won't consider mice as prey! I guess the only way to keep a dog out, is to close the room where the mice are.

The top 4 dog breed for young children are


Temperament: This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention. They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive.鈥?/a>

Golden Retriver

Temperament: Golden Retrievers are loveable, polite, and highly intelligent. They exude charm and confidence. They are sweet, eager to please, and devoted family companions. They do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time or they will become mischievous and destructive. They have a tendency to be overly exuberant and distractible. They are always gentle and patient with children. They are friendly with other pets. In fact, they are friendly with everyone. They tend to bark as a form of greeting. The Golden Retriever is not well suited for a two career family as they require an inordinate amount of human interaction and companionship.鈥?/a>


Temperament: The Newfoundland is generous with love and affection. They are very sociable and friendly to visitors they know. They have a keen sense of responsibility and are excellent with children. They become so attached to their families that they cannot ever adapt to a new home or environment. They are generally good with other pets. This breed thrives on human companionship. They are gentle, heroic, and docile. Newfoundlands are extremely protective and will place themselves between their family and any danger that appears to be of a threatening nature.That is not 100% true, like all dogs they can and will adapt to new homes!鈥?/a>


Temperament: The Collie has a very even and well-mannered temperament. This dog is regularly seen in homes with other animals and children, as they are very gentle and passive. Originally bred for herding, this dog has the tendency to nip at ankles as a pup, however most grow out of this stage. Willing to learn and very loyal, this dog will surely provide you with a lot of love.鈥?/a>

Dog breeds for older considerate children

Boston Terrier

Temperament: Highly intelligent, alert, and enthusiastic, the Boston Terrier is affectionate and loyal. This breed is quite animated and has a lovely sense of humor. They thrive on human interaction and on being an integral part of the family. They do best in a home with children over the age of eight years and are exceedingly good with the elderly. They will generally get along with non-canine pets, although males may fight with other dogs. The Boston Terrier has a very sensitive nature and will be affected either positively or negatively by tone of voice or the home atmosphere and environment.鈥?/a>


If you have small children, I do not recommend a Dachshund. First, children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Dachshund puppy who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. The Dachshund's long back is especially fragile and prone to damage when he is picked up incorrectly or dropped. Second, even Dachshund adults may feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and shyness may be the result. Finally, some Dachshunds simply do not tolerate any nonsense from children and will bite if pushed too far.鈥?/a>

French Bulldog

Temperament: This hilarious little dog makes a wonderful playmate and is very affectionate. Alert and clingy, this breed does require lots of human attention to thrive. This is not a kennel breed and should always be kept in a family environment. Given proper socialization the French Bulldog can do well with other dogs, but should not be around small children, as they do not tolerate rough play.鈥?/a>

Jack Russell Terrier

I do NOT recommend terriers for small children. Many terriers will not tolerate any nonsense from little life forms whom they consider to be below themselves in importance. Many terriers are quick to react to teasing, and even to the normal clumsiness that comes with small children (accidental squeezing of their ears or pulling of whiskers or stepping on their paw). Many terriers are possessive of their food and toys and will defend these from all comers, including children.鈥?/a>

Shiba Inu

Temperament: The Shiba Inu is intelligent, alert, and makes a good alarm dog at times. This breed can be prone to barking. This breed can prove to be a handful if not handled by an experienced owner as they tend to be willful.鈥?/a>

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Temperament: Despite this breed's beginnings, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is renowned today for their reliability as a companion and family pet. They thrive on human contact and are extremely loving, devoted, and loyal. This breed is dependable gentle and reliable with children, and for this reason were nicknamed the Nanny Dog. They are exceedingly protective of their family and make excellent guardians and watchdogs. They are not suited for homes with other dogs or household pets they have not been raised with. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not recommended for the novice dog owner. Require 4km daily walks!鈥?/a>

Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher puppies are NOT suited to small children, no matter how well-meaning the child. Children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Min Pin puppy who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Even Miniature Pinscher adults may feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and defensive biting may be the result. Finally, many Miniature Pinschers will not tolerate any nonsense and are quick to react to teasing. Many are possessive of their food and toys and will defend these from all comers, including children.鈥?/a>

Lhaso Apso

I do NOT recommend Lhasa Apsos for small children. Many Lhasa will not tolerate any nonsense from little life forms whom they consider to be below themselves in importance. Many Lhasas are quick to react to teasing, and even to the normal clumsiness that comes with small children (accidental squeezing of their ears or pulling of hair or stepping on their paw). Many Lhasas are possessive of their food and toys and will defend these from all comers, including children.鈥?/a>

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise puppies are NOT suited to small children, no matter how well-meaning the child. Children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Bichon Frise puppy who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Even Bichon Frise adults may feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and shyness (even defensive biting) may be the result.鈥?/a>

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

If you have small children, I do not recommend Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, no matter how well-meaning the child. Small children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Cavalier puppy who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Even Cavalier adults may feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and shyness may be the result.鈥?/a>

Pugs-Rember children tend to poke-and if directed the poke in the eye of a pug- the pug eye will fall out-Is a blind dog good with children?

Small children and pugs are not a good combination. While pugs are not generally aggressive dogs, young children tend to be fascinated with their curly tails and bulging eyes. Pugs eyes are very sensitive and easily injured, and having their tails pulled can make even the most easy-going pug snap at the person who is doing the pulling.

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