Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are cats good for both hunting rodents AND warding off snakes?

I have just recently moved into the country of central Alabama. I have 3 VERY VERY large dogs. However, I seem to have a rodent problem. Also I have spotted a water moccosin. People have told me cats are good for hunting rodents, as well as warding off snakes. Is this correct?Are cats good for both hunting rodents AND warding off snakes?
I can't testify about how good they are on snakes, but the old orange barn cat we have here sure has decimated the local mouse and rat population, as well as chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, and birds.Are cats good for both hunting rodents AND warding off snakes?
Cats are great for rodent, lizard, and bird killing. I don't think they would do well against poisonous snakes, though. I live near rattlesnakes, and once my rat terrier dogs and mixed breed cats surrounded a medium size rattlesnake on my driveway, making loud noises at it. I killed it, but they didn't even try. I still see snakes even though the land was cleared 10 yrs ago. Neither cats nor dogs drive off snakes. I have had one dog killed by a snake bite in the shoulder. Although, you can now get vaccines for rattlesnake bites. A good way to rid yourself of snakes is to clear out brush and keep grass cut short where they like to live.

I have spotted the rat terriers killing mice though.

In my county, they have a program where you can adopt feral cats rescued and neutered and let them live around the barn to kill mice.

guineafowl will kill snakes.
ok cats are good for both i have a cat that kills rats and snakes cats are very determened hunters and will stock their prey for as long as needed i seen ,y cat stock a blue jay for a hour and then it finaly attacked it but it flew away LmAo. any way cats are better for rodent and skake problem ';exept poison snakes. the dog are good for coyots foxes deer and other animals. if u get a kitten when its young be playful with it and it will learn to be a great hunter when u play with it it developes it's hunting instinks and it will be very loyal to u like a dog i have this cat that follows me every ware and when i come back from work it meats me about 100 yards from my house evry day at 1:15 and im not makeing this up. hope i helped excuse my bad spelling and remember dont't declaw you cat
Cats are good rodent and snake hunters but individual cats vary and so do breeds of Cats. The Best Rodent Killer is a thing called a Maine Coon Cat. They get along with Dogs very well. The are larger than the averge cat the males run over 20 pounds, A pure bread kitten costs about $500
really good for rodents, but snakes are a different thing all together, you need to call in the pros to help you out with a venomous species.
Yes, I've seen tabby cats kill large bull snakes (large enough to eat the cat that killed it). With a venemous snake they just thave to be more careful. And yes, cats will kill rodents which attract snakes.

Yes, a cat will hunt and eat a snake. If you get a cat your rodent problem and snake problem should go away pretty quickly.
a mongoose is the best for killing snakes as well as road runners!

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