Friday, February 5, 2010

How did dinosaurs evolve into small rodents?

Or whatnot, and then those rodents evolved into us? Or what is the order. i know that first was bacteria, then amphibians, then they crawled on land and evolved into reptiles, then dinosaurs, and then into rodents, and finally us. Is that right?How did dinosaurs evolve into small rodents?
The evolutionary tree:鈥?/a>How did dinosaurs evolve into small rodents?
They didn't. The only living ancestors of dinosaurs are birds, which evolved from the small therapods. The rest died out completely.

We are mammals which are descendants of synapsids, the mammal-like reptiles, which dominated the Earth prior to the dinosaurs. They were largely wiped out in the Permian mass extinction.
a majority of dinosaurs didn't evolve. they died when the meteor that crashed into earth created a blanket of smoke and ash and killed off the food that their food ate. some did evolve though but not the larger ones like you think. some turned into birds and the remainder turned into reptiles like alligators and crocodiles and komodo dragons.
think? how is a lion related to a house cat? how is a monkey related to a baboon? how is an elephant related to a wooley mammouth? (one of which is extinct) different races, differant species, differant geography....isnt a black man related to a white man whose also related to an oriantal? and yet i can think of a dozen language and cultural barriers
No, dinosaurs did not evolve into rodents.

Small, rodent-like mammals lived at the time of the dinosaurs. When the dinosaurs went extinct, those mammals survived and inherited the earth. They evolved into virtually all of the mammals that currently exist. Including us.
Hon, none of that ever happened. God created each animal in it's own likeness. One kind of flesh for animals, one for birds, and another for humans. Evolution is one of satan's biggest lies. One day everyone will know that, when they are on their knees in front of the Lord Jesus Christ, when ';Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.'; God Bless
The dino's mostly got killed off, and what remained evolved, probably, into birds. The rodents evolved from the surviving small mammals.

of course, you don't go right from bacteria to amphibians, but you more or less got the order.
They DIDN'T!!!!!

Evolution is SUCH A DUMB THEORY!!!

Man supposedly evolved from monkeys... right...?

Why the hell do we still have men AND monkeys BUT NOTHING FROM IN-BETWEEN?
They didn't. Most dinosaurs died off, but the ones that didn't evolved into birds. Small mammals lived at the same time as dinosaurs and it was small mammals that evolved into humans (primates) and other mammals.
Actually some rodents may have coexisted with dinosaurs. In the mid-Permian era, mammals began to evolve from synapsids, which were descended from the first amphibians. It was a process that took some 70 million years.
They weren't like the big dinosaurs most people are familiar with... they were much smaller, lizard like reptiles. Not all dinosaurs back in the day were large, some pterodactyls were the size of modern pidgeons!
They didn't change from one kind to another. Every living creature was created according to their kind. Humans were made separately and last. Scientific fact ; no animal can crossbreed with an animal outside of it's group, or '; kind';. No cat can have offspring with a dog, or anything else except with another cat. No human has ever been able to produce offspring from a monkey, or anything else except by another human. There are still many varieties of each, but they are still in their own group.鈥?/a>

I hate to throw a bunch of links at you, but I know you're a serious minded person, so I'll let the resources do the talking.
They didn't. Humans didn't evolve from dinosaurs.
The reason why there are no more Dinosaurs is that we ate them, if you look at almost every extinct animal, you will see it is because we ate them! They were some pretty big steaks and I bet they were very tasty!
Evolution through the mechanism of natural selection. Try researching it sometime.

If you learn natural selection you'll understand how evolution takes place, and it will make a lot more sense. It's too hard to define natural selection succinctly within one post so that everyone will understand instantly, and you'll really need to study different examples and concepts if you want grasp the entire process.

Try reading some wikipedia articles for a general idea and the Origin of Species for more in-depth understanding:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
How did wheels evolve into becoming gasoline powered sports cars?

they did not the dinosaurs were wiped out but there were rod ants about before and during the dinosaurs time.
God clapped his hands, and SHABANG, wangs and ginas flying everywhere.
It still beats talking snakes, and people made from clay.
They sure did. I had to live next door to porno fat old rat. No matter how much cheese I gave him, he kept ratting around.
They didn't
Read your bible, it's under Dumbass 12:16, sorry my cut und paste is kapute

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