Friday, February 5, 2010

Is there an NGO that works to get rid of the problem of rodents in big cities?

I want to know if there is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) that works in cities like New York to end the problem of mice and rats. If there is, what is the name? A link would be appreciated.Is there an NGO that works to get rid of the problem of rodents in big cities?
Every large city in the US takes care of its own vermin problem. This is considered a city service like trash collection and street sweeping (both of which control rodents). There may be an NGO that tracks rodent diseases or population level but I dont think they would be involved in eradication.

Rats and mice share similar habits and physiologies with humans which makes their eradication difficult. Poison that kills rodents kills humans. The environment created by humans also favors rats and mice. The city would not allow an outside entity to disperse poisons, make civic changes or implement non-legislative rules.

I know that organizations like World Wildlife Fund might undertake efforts to eradicate exotic rodents from endangered habitats but this is for conservation. The Center for Disease Control might oversee all the local governmental efforts and ensure compliance with Federal regulations.

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